
Cat pass precision - Notts

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Lincoln Jam 10.03.2007

I havent posted on here for a while as ive been quite busy.
got up at about 9;15 and my mum dropped me at the train station where i met; Browney, Jak, Jonny, Jamie, Tumo, Ryan, Wizey, Dom, Mike and mikes friend. We first went to City Hall to train for a bit and we met Jim and then Jammie came there at about 12. Jim took us through a rigorous warm-up then Me, Jak, Jim, Ryan, Wizey and Browney went to the garages. Me and wizey had promised that we would do the 1st garages arm jump, and, after a while, we did it. Browney did it, then wizey did it, and that gave me the confidence to go for it. I landed really well and my climb-up was good. we then moved on to the biggest arm jump, which i couldnt work up the confidence to go for, but Jak, Wizey and Browney did it :) Unfortunately we went back to get my arm jump on camera but the ones we did get on camera werent as good as the first one i did, but i was happy anyway as i had completed my goal for the day :D We went to HMV and 5 people managed to do the arm jump! Jak, Jim, Ryan, Jonny and Jamie! A big thumbs up to you guys :)
Unfortunately i injured my hands and for the rest of the day i could not put much more weight on them. So i just did some light training, working on basic vaults and working on movement.

- The 1st garages arm jump
- started to notice an improvement in my general movement and fluidity.

Things to do or improve;
- 2nd garages arm jump !