
Cat pass precision - Notts

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Nottingham Trip - October 26th

So, our second trip of the week saw Me, Jack, Ryan, Liam, Stu Palmer, Tumo, Neil, Kristian and Jammie on the train to nottingham at 9:30am. Once at the train station for about 10:40 (train was gheyly late) we made our way up to the concert hall, stopping at UN on the way for some people to do a ncie arm jump or two, where we were to meet the nottingham people's. We trained there for about 30 minutes, some people getting a nice cat pass arm jump which can be seen in the video and Kristian doing an extremely good cat to cat off a lamp post to the concert hall wall. Then along came Will. He took us to the first spot of the trip; Bilbie Walk.

Being one of the smaller spots in nottingham, there was not much to do here but sit and watch (or in my case film) some crazy-ass-cool tricks from Neil. We waited here for about 10 minutes until Zade and Adam turned up. We then headed off to the flats area, where i accomplished a few things i had been looking at. I made the first level of a cat precision, and didnt quite get the second level. I was easily getting the distance and height but just kept dropping one of my feet at the last second. Also whilst here i did a cat pass to arm jump that we were all trying, it took me about 3 or 4 attempts but then i landed it and with a pretty nice climb up as well. We trained here for over an hour before moving onto the next spot; The student shop. Here we just mainly all used the muscle up bar, taking it in turns. I did a couple of nice single armed muscle ups and was very very close to the double arms, which incidently i now have (most of the time). We then moved up to the orange walls where we just sat and ate our lunch until we got kicked by some security guards.

We then moved onto High Pavements, where there was an arm jump i had been wanting to do for a while. After quite a long time of careful deliberation i decided that this was one to be left for next time. Whilst here we got a few nice things on camera; Jack and Jammie doing the arm jump, Stu and Neil's synchronised fronts and Jonny YEAH also learnt to Gainer onto the stones (which are really landing friendly). We got kicked after only about 20 minutes of being there, so moved on up to the Houses.

At the houses, there was an arm jump and a precision that i had wanted to do when we came to notts, but to my dismay, scaffolding had been erected directly in the middle :( Two things for next time though ! The scaffolding that was here was pretty damn cool though so after training on it for about 15 minutes we moved to the opposite side of the houses. This was most probably the most productive part of the day. With loadsss of people getting the pretty big tic tac to arm jump. And Kristian making this sort of I'm-spiderman-so-im-going-to stick-to-the-wall to arm jump movement, which Stuart and Neil also tried but couldnt quite do. Here i worked on my climb ups for about 15 minutes straight, and, with a little help from Stuart, they improved ten fold in that short period of time. I had gone from pretty appaling climb ups, to pretty damn good ones (Although still not good enough) where i was landing nearly straight on top of the wall. I also learnt to flick up through the middle of my legs, which was such a simple thing, but had been evading me for months, so i was pretty pleased with my achievements here.

We then moved onto IBM, which i had been to on a previous nottingham trip and liked a lot. Here I managed the biggest Level Cat Pass precision between two walls over bark, and also a nice diving cat pass. Stuart managed to diving cat the largest bit that i cat precisioned, but thats just Stuart, he's too good! We found a pair of abandoned high heels here as well, which we challenged Neil to wear and do a cat pass precision. He delightfully accepted and completed the challenge! Funny times.

The last place we headed to was Audo. I wish we had gone here earlier in the day as it was definetly my favourite spot in nottingham. We didnt do much whilst here although i did a pretty cool arm jump, not very big, but quite nice grip and everything, which felt good. As i say, not much trainingz happened here, just a few Jam Photo's to finish the day off, before us Lincoln/Cleethorpes lot headed to the station for our journey back home.

Great days training, few things on my list for next time i come, which hopefully will be pretty soon!

The video from the day, edited by Jack, can be found here >>> :D


Will J Carman said...

I didn't meet you guys at concert hall! I met you guys opposite the train station! lol

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